


I advise purchasing eCommerce website services along with the Google AdWord pack. 购买此捆绑包, you get a complete turnkey solution that includes a ready-to-go website and targeted traffic on your website.
谢谢你给我的礼物. This company provides eCommerce web services within a day! Highly appreciate professional online store setup and customer care provided by this company.
I have ordered eCommerce web development services and got my launched at the next day! A personal manager contacted and gathered all the details. The online store setup offer is the fastest way to start selling online!


$369 $259
Payment & 运输方式配置 This service is limited to standard/official shipping and payment solutions. However, additional payment and shipping methods can be added for an extra fee.
Store contacts & Logo adding We will add your store contacts along with the logo onto your site.
导航(菜单、链接)更新 我们将添加/更新多达2个级别的简单菜单. 还有,任何其他标头 & 页脚链接将更新到您需要的内容.
Products Import 多达1000个简单产品(i. e.,没有属性,组合). You will be given a sample file with the necessary instructions.
安装语言 For PrestaShop and OpenCart templates, we can install up to 5 languages. 对于其他平台,我们只能安装一种语言.
首页+ 5个CMS页面内容更新 We will update the home page content including slides, banners, 自定义文本,也可以创建多达5个CMS页面, such as About us, 隐私政策等等.
1 revision 其中包括一个小的修改. This revision expires within two weeks once the project is delivered.

How it Works:

  1. 收集信息

    from 15 minutes

    在您的订单被批准后, we will contact you to ask to provide us with the information about your store. 需要它来执行服务(例如. g., payment & 您想要使用的运输方法, currencies, store contacts, and so forth) and will be requested in an email from your personal project manager.

  2. 建立网上商店


    在提供了所有信息之后, we will install and configure your template according to the instructions. In case you have any questions or would like to check the status of your project, 你的项目经理会很乐意帮助你的.

  3. Reviewing & finishing up

    from 15 minutes

    When the store is ready, you will be able to check final result and provide us with your feedback. In case no further changes are required, the service will be completed as stated.


  • 您的网站URL地址
  • cPanel和FTP + MySQL访问
  • Information about your store (currencies, taxes, payment and shipping methods, etc.)
  • Additional files with content, images, or products (depends on a purchased package)


If you don't know how or where to set up your eCommerce store. If you haven't worked with websites before and do not familiar with FTP, MySQL, and other tech terms. 如果你不想浪费时间做这个. 订购我们专业的电子商务开发服务, and we will install and configure your online store according to your requirements in no time!

Launching a fully operational online store from scratch is a very complicated and tedious process. 为了帮助他们, we provide advanced eCommerce setup and product data import services for those who have no technical background or need the help of web developers. 

Let's check the milestones of our Online store setup service. 从一开始,我们将: 

  • 在主机上安装您选择的模板
  • 配置默认的付款和发货设置
  • 更新存储联系人
  • upload your logo


  • 模板和发动机安装;
  • Configuration of currencies, shipping, payment getaways, taxes, locations (geo zones) & store contacts;
  • Up to 1,000 simple product imports (without options, attributes, and combinations);
  • Integration of your texts and images on five content pages (such as About Us, Contacts, FAQ, etc.登陆页面更新(横幅、幻灯片、文本);
  • 标识实施;
  • Configuration of website navigation, menu, and permalinks;
  • 谷歌分析集成.

而且,你还会得到 5个额外的开发时间 that you can use for any further customization or improvement of your store. This is a great opportunity to fine-tune your website according to your specific needs and preferences, 让它从人群中脱颖而出.

As a result, you will get a fully functional online store filled with your content and optimized for better rankings and user experience, 24小时或更短时间内. As a bonus, you will also receive a substantial discount for up to 3 customization services!

Please note:

  • 此服务只适用于一个网站. Service does not include advanced coding and layout modifications, 但我们可以额外收费;
  • 我们会要求你提供你的logo, texts, 高质量的图像, 和CSV文件与您的产品导入, along with clear instructions for the content placement. To finish the project in time, you should provide all the requested data before the project starts;
  • 我们为英语提供SEO优化, Spanish, 俄语和乌克兰语, but communication is held in the English language only;
  • Delivery time may vary by 20-40% due to our Production department load or other circumstances;
  • 包括一个小的修订. This revision expires within two weeks once the project is delivered.



是的,我们可以为您办理. However, it requires an additional fee: $99 / 1000 products.

Which payment & 你们支持装运方式吗?

每个CMS都支持几种特定的支付方式 & shipping methods. Hence, it depends on the content management system that you use. We can add custom payment and shipping options for an additional fee.


Yes, a dedicated project manager will contact you to gather all the details regarding your website. Your project manager will keep you informed on the progress. 


交货时间最长为8个工作日. However, it may vary by 20-40% due to our Production department load or other circumstances.


您将需要提供您的标志, texts, 高质量的图像, 和CSV文件与您的产品导入, along with clear instructions for the content placement before the project starts.


我们为英语提供SEO优化, Spanish, 俄语和乌克兰语.


此服务只适用于一个网站 and does not include advanced coding and layout modifications. 然而,这些可以额外收费.

What if I need revisions or changes after the project is delivered?

该服务包含两个小的修改. These revisions expire within two weeks once the project is delivered.

Our Portfolio


I advise purchasing eCommerce website services along with the Google AdWord pack. 购买此捆绑包, you get a complete turnkey solution that includes a ready-to-go website and targeted traffic on your website.
谢谢你给我的礼物. This company provides eCommerce web services within a day! Highly appreciate professional online store setup and customer care provided by this company.
I have ordered eCommerce web development services and got my launched at the next day! A personal manager contacted and gathered all the details. The online store setup offer is the fastest way to start selling online!
